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Hi UnbiasedBrigade and welcome to Higgs Hunters
Muon at 5 means Muon at 5 o'clock. It's an easy...
by ElisabethB
"First to see this event"s not working
Whenever I get the "First to see this event" bar, the image won't load.
It is <i>very</i> annoying -
I have seen lots of comments like 'muon at 5', 'went for the motif at 1.00 but missed the one at...
This picture only shows one muon line yet two muon detections (red rectangles)
Hi Petersparx, the interesting thing in this image to me is the track at about 2-oclock which splits...
by alanbarr
My 2nd classification for this project
Hi Mark, I can't see an ocv in this image. The green lines are muons, and there's only on other line...
by alanbarr
My 2nd classification for this project
I answered this as 2 . Is that the correct answer . I have only did one of these in the past .So ,...
by Mark_Moffatt
I know tht .. Is there anyone or not ??? Yrllow mark is elevtrons .. Thnku nasa
by Petersparx
by mininggirl
Is this elctron ?? The green mark ?? Or the yellow mark ?? On it ?? Upper left like 9.30
by Petersparx
There is a muon jumping out of nowhere.
Hi! I’m fairly new here so is still trying to get a grip on what I’m seeing.
I have two main...
Why there was always only 2 #sw line and interesting qn is why the centre of caurvature always...
by Petersparx
What is that green vertix ???and what help do the cantre of curvature red dot line ?????and why...
by Petersparx
Physics is our life
by Petersparx
Hey guys, I just started doing this. Can someone please explain how this works? The tutorial wasn't...
by mininggirl
Paper: Higgs boson might be FAKE particle!
New paper:
On the nature of the Higgs boson
Damiano Anselmi
(Submitted on 6 Nov 2018) zutopian
"The First to See this Event!" (Study/ Paper)
Here is a paper, where a study within the "Higgs Hunters" project is presented.:
**“Guess what!...
by zutopian
HiggsHunters Schools conference in Oxford
Tx Alan !
It is just amazing to see what these young people can achieve !
Great work 😃by ElisabethB
HiggsHunters Schools conference in Oxford
I've just put up the video highlights from the first HiggsHunters schools...
by alanbarr
bundle in line with bottom quark
the 6:00 bundle seems to have had a #bottomquark <em>inside of it!</em>
this has an off-center vertex that you can see best in zoom veiw...
Some weired lines are really show here weired to mee
They are just have one point where the to weired red line are consisted each other why ?? And this...
by Petersparx
How can we detect the slice view.. Is it something on sphere lens??? Its seems like tht..
by Petersparx
whats a #punch-through?
by mininggirl
What should I think about a white line that's coming from an off-center position but that doesn't...
by rcrdo
Maybe there are several off-center vertices in this one. It's much easier to verify in Slice view....
very crazy picture
by ginjaforce
Pair of yellow interacting particles
I can see two yellow lines (which I will incorrectly refer to as 'yellow particles' throughout this...
by WhittleMario
Hi Namut and welcome to Higgs Hunters,
The purple circle is just an artifact and shouldn't be...
by ElisabethB
#Neutrons (1 subject)
At 12h energetic #neutron
strangeMuons (5 subjects)
strangeMuons (5 subjects)
Cosmic ray possibles (5 subjects)
Cosmic ray possible
by Kentuck53
Favorites (4 subjects)
is this right?
by grifarch
///// (2 subjects)
extra muon?
by asaruta6565
Project Research (2 subjects)
Little to no particles observed
by AZlotak2017
Capture (5 subjects)
3 ocv
by theStory
Weird things in LHC (1 subject)
There is a strage orange circle that I cannot identify
by ballanzor
Cosmic Ray (2 subjects)
by Seilej
Looks kind of symmetrical
by FrkFrs
#Missing-muon at 3
by leonie_van_vliet
by leonie_van_vliet
by annesmith123456789
#photon at 11:00, #extramuon
by annesmith123456789
4 muons in this image. #extramuon
by annesmith123456789
#extramuon , #electron at 2:30.
by annesmith123456789
#bottom at 5:00. #electron at 7:00.
by annesmith123456789
#bottom at 11:00.
by annesmith123456789
#photon at 11:30
by annesmith123456789
#bottom at 9:00 and 10:00.
by annesmith123456789
by UnbiasedBrigade