Higgs Hunters Talk

Saturated electromagnetic detector segment with measured imbalance

  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator


    How did you work that that it's a " A lepton and neutrino"?

    Neutrinos are also leptons, I suppose, so my wording is off. I might be misinterpreting this, but it seems likely, because there is a significant amount of energy in the electromagnetic calorimeter at 230°. It could be a photon if none of the dots in the tracker correlate to this energy. Leptons would deposit their energy here. I would guess it's a tau, because it seems like a lot of energy, as it saturated the detector in this area.

    A neutrino can produce the measured imbalance (signified by the red dashed line).

    Maybe this is a sign of a W boson decay?

    What do you get from this object?
