Higgs Hunters Talk


  • lappets by lappets

    If you look closely there is a pink loop - is this important ?


  • DZM by DZM admin

    It's just an #artifact; no worries about it!


  • lappets by lappets

    Oops thanks


  • lappets by lappets

    The two white lines appear to cross at the centre with the green lines and dotted red line so would this be classed as a 5 point vertex ? or should I treat the two white lines as a 2 point off centre vertex as the computer did not see them ?


  • koranzite by koranzite scientist in response to lappets's comment.

    There might be a vertex with 2 branches to the bottom left, where the computer has drawn each white line backwards slightly and made it look like a cross.
