Higgs Hunters Talk

Interesting happenings in this object

  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator

    There are too many things going on in this image for me to parse into the comments section.

    I think there are #multiple #ocv and #backwardtracks.

    At 95°, we see two muons departing the center with one particle represented by a white line. Further out, the muons cross paths and at this point, another white line is created at an #ocv. I don't see this often, so I'll tag it #weird. We notice that the muons and these two particles are opposite the #bundle of particles on the left (#diametric).

    I see deposits on the electromagnetic calorimeter very near the line of the measured imbalance (the red dashed line), at 240° (#weird). This may be completely unrelated, but there's also slightly less activity in this area in the tracking chamber (the removed particles, now dots) than in other places.

    There's also a small shower of activity in the muon chamber at 340°.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Would love to hear a comment from one of our scientists here ! Definitely a weird one !


  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    The muon tracks are pretty wierd: one track is bent in several places and the other doesn't emerge from the center. My theory is that a #punch-through has confused the computer and caused it to plot the muon tracks incorrectly.
