Higgs Hunters Talk


  • DigiDong by DigiDong

    Do those tiny colliding particles and their byproducts follow the laws of gravity or/and any other laws? If so which rules do they follow?


  • Mark_..._a_physicist_of_sorts by Mark_..._a_physicist_of_sorts

    Gravity is (almost) incalculably weak on the particles we're seeing. The strong nuclear force is probably the dominant one (hence the name.) The particles are also subject to a strong magnetic field which causes charged particles to bend, giving us curved tracks. Not a specialist, just a teacher, so feel free to modify my comments.


  • jokergirl by jokergirl moderator

    Weak or not, if they don't follow those laws it would be very... interesting. But we might not be able to picture them if they don't, so we might never know.
