Higgs Hunters Talk

adding favourites

  • de.hawkeye by de.hawkeye


    If I add an object as favourite, it adds two.
    Deleting one, deletes both -- weird.



  • jokergirl by jokergirl moderator

    I've seen this bug on other GZ sites before. Not sure if there's anything to be done about it. For some reason, it hasn't happened on Higgs Hunters for me so far.


  • de.hawkeye by de.hawkeye

    I see. galaxy zoo works fine for me.


  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    I have noticed this bug in my Favourites collection too


  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator

    It could be that two properties are selected from a single object during the action of adding the object to your favorites. Since both entities refer to the same object, removing one will remove both visible items. Seems like there's a corner case that causes this. I haven't looked much into the source code on GitHub, so I'm not familiar with how their system works.

    In other news, it takes incredible skill to actually select anything from the drop-down menus at https://www.zooniverse.org/projects in Firefox 34.0.

    Another edit: I think the implementation is in Talk/app/controllers/collections.coffee.
