Higgs Hunters Talk

Looks like we're temporarily out of data to classify.

  • rmcfry by rmcfry

    "Looks like we're temporarily out of data to classify." This is screen message at "classify" for about a month now. Yet, I see talk on recent classifications. Have I been placed on a restricted diet or is there truly no data?


  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator

    Hello @rmcfrt,

    I expect that you would only see this when the project doesn't have any additional data for you. Maybe you've done a lot of classifications?

    I currently see some available, so this may be user-dependent. Someone on the Zooniverse or project team may be able to help out.

    There is a similar discussion from over a year ago, over in the Technical Support forum: http://talk.higgshunters.org/#/boards/BHH0000006/discussions/DHH000046c
