Higgs Hunters Talk

How did these images pass the trigger?

  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    The LHC produces far more data than can possibly be stored on any known data storage device. Therefore there is an algorithm known as a "trigger" which automatically selects only those events with particular features which are expected to be produced by the particles that are being searched for. The rest of the data is discarded and not saved.

    Amongst the images we are seeing there are a few which appear to have no interesting features whatsoever, like this one http://talk.higgshunters.org/#/subjects/AHH0000hp5. How did such events manage to get recorded since the trigger is supposed to filter them out?


  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    I am guessing that this might be related to trigger algorithm crashes as mentioned in this discussion: http://talk.higgshunters.org/#/boards/BHH0000004/discussions/DHH00002gh

    In which case I have a follow-up question. Can these trigger crashes mess up the statistical analysis? If too many random garbage events pass the trigger, won't they overwhelm possible signals?


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Definitely a good question for the science team. They may be away for the holiday break; hopefully can get a response after the break. Good question!


  • andy.haas by andy.haas scientist

    You're right - this event was collected on the "debug" stream, so due to some trigger problem.
    No, these trigger problems and events collected do not harm the analysis.
    Their rate is fairly low (less than 1% of the total data) and they can usually be disregarded offline quite easily - for instance like this one!
