Higgs Hunters Talk

Images without muons

  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    If I understand this blog post (http://blog.higgshunters.org/2014/12/06/what-youre-seeing-on-higgshunters/)
    correctly the images we are seeing are selected to include only those with at least two muons, since this considerably increases the chances of finding higgs decay particles. However I occasionally see images which don't have any muons. I have started tagging them with #missingmuon. See for example AHH0000hnk.

    Where did the muons go?


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Good question. I do not know. I would be interested to hear from the scientists as well!


  • andy.haas by andy.haas scientist

    We threw in some data which did not require the muons, but failed to be processed by the trigger computers that decide which events to keep. These events either caused the trigger algorithms to crash, or took too long to process so the computer gave up. They therefore could be interesting, despite the lack of a Z->mumu decay.
    Good question!


  • andy.haas by andy.haas scientist

    Also, sometimes the muon is there, but was not drawn as a green track because it failed some criteria. You can see the muon object in the muonsystem as a thick red line.
