Higgs Hunters Talk


  • sonai2012 by sonai2012

    hey, i am working on a zooniverse project for the first time and guess what i am in class 9


  • Marcuandy1981 by Marcuandy1981

    My name is Andrew, I'm from Transylvania, and I'm passionate about quantum physics.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Welcome to the project, @sonai2012! I don't know what class 9 is (9th grade, perhaps? a level of school?) but we're all really glad you're here! 😃


  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator

    Greetings! I'm a 29-year-old from Iowa, U.S. I've been involved primarily in information technology and I have a strong interest in the physics of the universe, however I have not had any formal classroom experience with advanced physics topics. I'd say I have a moderate understanding of the physics involved in this type of project and I hope to learn quite a bit more in this setting. Two of my favorite things are programming and coffee. You're shocked, right?

    Looking forward to learning with the rest of you and hopefully making some contributions to the community.


    Rick R
