Higgs Hunters Talk

Classifications disappear when switching views

  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis moderator

    Hello @Lolive,

    1. When you are working in the "Classify" section, you are shown only
      one of the three available views for any one object, such as

    2. After you complete your marks and select the OK button, you will
      then receive a Yes/No prompt which asks if you would like to join
      the discussion for the object:

      Do you want to talk about this image?

    In the discussion/forum, we don't have the ability to mark the images, so switching the views has no consequence in the object discussion interface.

    The FAQ mentions the following about this:

    Q: Can we get zoom/extra views? - A: No. There is a reason for this
    that the scientists have thought about. Basically, to make sure all
    classifications are based on the one view that they present to us, to
    level the playing field.

    Does this help?
