Higgs Hunters Talk

Is there any way to zoom in?

  • Tin-Foil-Hat by Tin-Foil-Hat

    I'm not sure if I'm marking them right to begin with. I could sit here all day looking at these pictures but it would be more helpful if I could expand the image a lot.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Tin-Foil-Hat and welcome to Higgs Hunters !

    Have you looked at the FAQ ? : http://talk.higgshunters.org/#/boards/BHH0000001/discussions/DHH00000np

    And here's the explanation : Q: Can we get zoom/extra views? - A: No. There is a reason for this that the scientists have thought about. Basically, to make sure all classifications are based on the one view that they present to us, to level the playing field.

    So, just go for it, and remember that lots of other people will classify this same image. And as a whole we are amazingly effective ! 😄

    happy hunting !
